• Optimizing and Activating Revenue within the “Tri-Fecta”

    Kate Burda & Co. was asked to do a two-part series on revenue growth.   Optimizing and Activating Revenue Channels was the second part of the series.    The 45 minute webinar looks at how not only managing revenue, but how does one optimize it through not only Revenue Management, Sales, and Marketing.

  • Your Customers want to share their experience with others…so let them!

    During a weekend getaway, we were running from here to there trying to fill the weekend with as much holiday cheer as 48 hours could contain.   We ducked into the Four Seasons to have a cup of hot chocolate with a bit of holiday spike to get us through the rest of the afternoon. The wait […]

  • Branding….Do you leverage your team to tell your story?

    During recent travels to Berlin for work with a client, I had to stop into a department store to pick up some forgotten items.   As designed, as I was leaving a sales representative from Dior caught my interest and 15 minutes later I had a package of ‘much needed’ purchases from the designer. I told […]

  • Welcome to Kate Burda & Co.

    Welcome to Kate Burda & Co. Thank you for visiting our new website. I hope you found it informative and that you will return often to follow our blog on business insights, experiences, and success stories in sales and marketing and revenue management. We all know of companies whose revenue strategy is to push sales […]